As an add-on to the last post where a lot of us could relate to school and the pressure and those useless to-do lists, I decided to highlight the reason some of us are pulling all-nighters finishing assignments and homework which we obviously could have done like three days ago but pssht- Ain't nobody got time for that. It must've been the 'weekend' or a 'favourite TV show' or feeling the need to 'binge watch every single video on Buzzfeed' (but really cmon everyone's done that at least once)- all of which were much more important (obviously) than those chapters of physics and math problems- the ones you look at and give that long * sigh * to every time your eyes find them stacked on your desk, before you walk away avoiding the long hours of hard work you'll have to put in to complete them. Flash forward to 12am Sunday night - you're probably still texting your friends telling them about all the work you didn't do and how you'...