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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Grand Finale

So (chill, its not the end), here we all are at the end of another year. A not-so-great-year. 2016 wasn't really everyone's favorite. So we're all doing the same two things: 1. Either taking numerous resolutions, big or small, and saying how 2017 is going to be the wayyy better 2. Not taking any resolutions, knowing you won't stick to it and will soon give up. You're just saying this isn't your time. Well, well, well...I do not have anything catchy to say...uhhh, here we all are..?!! Okay the point is, we haven't been doing a really great job with the blog. All of us hit some lows and gave up on lots of things, waiting for the tide to turn over, and nothing has been really inspiring enough. I don't know whether I can we've tried. We were struggling. And it became harder to hold on to everything we represented, including this blog.  Well, we're hoping we could turn it around, starting 2017. And that's ironic because I came to a concl...

The Posts We Never Blogged #2016

Truth is we're all self conceited narcissists hidden behind layers of modesty and "no I'm not beautiful, what are you talking about" By comparison and "no, at least I don't look as bad as he/she does", we give ourselves status and reputation. I promise the imaginary problems we create for ourselves will disappear when we all figure out that we can't compare the beauty of a moonlit sky to that of a dawning sunrise-  Our biggest mistake. ~The Stories Untold Pt.4

The Posts We Never Blogged #2016

Im sure we've all gone through this feeling of extreme sadness where you feel like you're never ever going to get better again and the world begins to get smaller by the second and your significance seems to vanish. and then you do the terrible mistake of venting to someone you know  isnt going to make you feel better. and they give you the old "other people have it worse" dialogue. I think that's the shittiest thing to say to anyone including yourself.  Fine. I admit it. Half the time my conscience keeps saying that but it seems pretty stupid when you think about it. Saying other people have it worse is like saying you dont deserve to be happy about the small things you have because other people have it far better. ~ The Stories Untold Pt.2

The Posts We Never Blogged #2016

So I realized that everyone who makes it big has a tragic back story. They've been neglected by their parents or lost someone who made the sun shine a little brighter in their lives or lived through some heart-wrenching-fatal-but-not-really disease.  But then there's me. My life has been pretty average and my parents have loved me and supported me throughout. Sure its not been a walk in the park but whatever has happened has probably happened to any other person. Its nothing special or unique. And that's when I found myself longing for a dreadful past that I'd be able  to tell one day in one of those interviews that all the so-called important people are questioned on. I just find something really intriguing about the way knowing what happened before the lime-light hit changes your entire perspective of the person.  So what if I never have that interesting personality for people to look at and be like wow-she's-lived-through-it-all. What if... ~ The ...