So (chill, its not the end), here we all are at the end of another year.A not-so-great-year. 2016 wasn't really everyone's favorite.So we're all doing the same two things:
1. Either taking numerous resolutions, big or small, and saying how 2017 is going to be the wayyy better
2. Not taking any resolutions, knowing you won't stick to it and will soon give up. You're just saying this isn't your time.
Well, well, well...I do not have anything catchy to say...uhhh, here we all are..?!!Okay the point is, we haven't been doing a really great job with the blog. All of us hit some lows and gave up on lots of things, waiting for the tide to turn over, and nothing has been really inspiring enough. I don't know whether I can we've tried. We were struggling. And it became harder to hold on to everything we represented, including this blog. Well, we're hoping we could turn it around, starting 2017.And that's ironic because I came to a conclusion that the year doesn't matter. Yes, it doesn't 2017 is just a number for measuring the time that has passed. It does absolutely nothing to change your lives. The change that you see? It's you. So give yourself credit for it. You don't need a new year to begin afresh and pull yourself up. You can do it any moment you want to. And to all those starting new lives tomorrow or today, as in some places it's already 2017, there are times you will feel like letting go, times you can't hold on anymore. It's okay. It's totally fine. You'll need breaks. But don't use 2018 as your next excuse. No. Get over that break and start over. Any moment. A year doesn't define your life. You do.That's ironic because we ourselves have been telling we'll start afresh in 2017. But now there isn't really much of 2016 left, so....(inserts shrugging emoji)
Thank you to all those who've read and supported us this year. This blog was our biggest dream. A huge inspiration for us. So whatever you said here and your views have made our countless days and dreams come true. Thank you again.We're going to start blogging on tumblr too. It's easier for us because we still aren't used to html blogging and it'shard to keep changing the blog profile.Wishing you a better year and good days, your dear bloggers.
~With love, Michelle, Nada and Nidhi
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