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This one's a little different. A little more raw and honest. No Tumblr quotes or signature metaphors. Just a few words that he'll never hear cause he's... okay, we'll get to that later. Hi. I'm a girl. More like an escaped victim. And I have a story to tell. Oh no, not about me. This is about someone who pretty much  completed me , so yeah, okay, it kind of is about me. Let's start from the end, because the beginning is a little bit of a blur. Alcohol has its way of playing with my head. Get used to it. Oh, and did I mention?  This story is about a dead person. Classic plot twist, right?  Hang in there, it's not that long. So, as I said, he's dead. And ironically, his last words to me were,  "just let me live in peace" . And I, like an idiot, let him do so. We both walked away from this life that we had shared. And I kinda tried to live mine by making sure I always have a shot glass in my hand, but just like I ...


IN A RELATIONSHIP: However harsh this sounds and no matter how great and beautiful it was. It's over. And though you think you can do something about that, you can't. The problem with relationships is that you have not one but two lives you become responsible for and maybe you couldn't do that. Or they couldn't do it. No matter what it is. It's important to forgive and forget because carrying a grudge isn't going to make you a better person. So instead of giving out negative vibes and obsessing over what could have been- MOVE ON. Stop throwing yourself a pity party all day and night. If the idea of being alone scares you then you have a problem and you most definitely don't deserve a relationship, Unless you're okay being alone you can never be okay with somebody else. I don't want to know what happened because shit happens and that's how life works. Now, its your time to reinvent and recreate yourself, there's always room for improvement...