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This one's a little different. A little more raw and honest. No Tumblr quotes or signature metaphors. Just a few words that he'll never hear cause he's... okay, we'll get to that later.
I'm a girl. More like an escaped victim. And I have a story to tell.
Oh no, not about me.
This is about someone who pretty much completed me,
so yeah, okay, it kind of is about me.
Let's start from the end, because the beginning is a little bit of a blur.
Alcohol has its way of playing with my head. Get used to it.
Oh, and did I mention? This story is about a dead person.
Classic plot twist, right?
 Hang in there, it's not that long.
So, as I said, he's dead.
And ironically, his last words to me were, "just let me live in peace".
And I, like an idiot, let him do so.
We both walked away from this life that we had shared.
And I kinda tried to live mine by making sure I always have a shot glass in my hand,
but just like I failed at loving the love of my life,
I failed at this too.
But he, he lived his by switching girls as quickly as I switched my brand of smokes.
His daily meals consisted of a variety of emotions and hearts.
He was a kleptomaniac too, did I mention that?
He stole a girl's life each day but,
being the two faced bitch that he was, he showed his sweet, sugar coated
side and gave the girl another one, just that,
he made sure it revolved only around him.
But I was an idiot, did I already mention that?
Yeah, I did ridiculous things like not follow his orders.
But he was so damn used to getting things done his way that he tripped over himself when he saw that I took a different path.
The path that showed me the real world, with real people and hearts that were not owned by him.
But he, being a million times smarter than I was,
immediately struck me off his to-do list with invisible ink, cause he still wanted to keep his fake smile
and cute words that charmed the world and made him Mr. Perfect.
So, he moved on to the next girl who was stupidly hypnotized by his eyes and lips
and all those plastic things and he was so busy keeping her temporarily happy that he didn't
notice the ink was losing its invisibility.
And my striked out name flashed like a huge 'game over' sign in front of my puffy, red eyes.
Well, I can't say that I hate him. Because I never did.
I never really 'loved' him either, because I didn't get the chance to.
I was busy taking a little road trip down the right path, you see.
And you, dear reader, are probably judging me through your phone screen,
cause in the beginning, I had mentioned that he was dead, and now, here I am,
calling him a bitch in all the ways possible.
Well, that's because my not-very-sober-mind forgot to tell you that he's only dead to me.

To me, he's soundly sleeping forever in a white coffin with black roses on them,but to him, I am the one who just had a funeral that no one attended.

And I'd like to keep it that way, because we're both just each others' ghosts of our ugly pasts and he'll always kill me with his actions and I'll always haunt him with my words.
Been a while, ain't it? Took a lot of courage to even put this up cause there's always someone at the end of the tunnel blocking the light. But this will always be my corner to cry in. Cheers. 


  1. Oh my Lord. This is amazing! ��So raw and heartfelt.


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